Table 3.
Cycle completion outcomes per couple by day 3 FSH and E2
Cycle completion outcomes | FSH (mIU/mL) and E2 (pg/mL) groups N couples (%) | P-value a | |||
Group 1A FSH <10 E2 <40 (n=291) |
Group 1B FSH <10 E2 ≥40 (n=256) |
Group 2A FSH 10–15 E2 <40 (n=35) |
Group 2B FSH 10–15 E2 ≥40 (n=21) |
All cycles completed | 248 (85.2) | 207 (80.9) | 24 (68.6) | 9 (42.9) | <.0001 |
≥1 cancelled cycle(s) | 39 (13.4) | 43 (16.8) | 6 (17.1) | 58 (38.1) | <.0001 |
Disenrolled for poor ovarian responseb | 4 (1.4) | 6 (2.3) | 5 (14.3) | 4 (19.0) | <.0001 |
Fisher’s Exact test for comparison of cycle completion outcomes by FSH/E2 group
Predetermined stopping criteria for disenrollment: In FASTT patients undergoing CC-IUI with two cycles lacking both an LH surge and mature follicles then proceeded to FSH-IUI, and were subsequently disenrolled for absent follicular development (dominant follicle <15mm) and E2 <100 pg/ml after five days of gonadotropin stimulation. IVF patients were disenrolled after one previous cancelled IUI cycle due to poor ovarian response in conjunction with one cancelled IVF cycle. IVF cancellation occurred due to absent follicular development, E2<100 pg/ml after six days of gonadotropin therapy, and less than two lead follicles on the day of hCG trigger. In FORT-T, CC-IUI patients were disenrolled according to the same criteria as FASTT. FSH-IUI patients stopped treatment if two cycles were characterized by fewer than three lead follicles and E2 <500 pg/mL. IVF patients were disenrolled after one poor ovarian response in a prior IUI cycle plus one cancelled IVF cycle, or two cancelled IVF cycles (either due to poor response or insufficient quality or number of embryos, defined as three or more embryos with six to eight cells and < 50% fragmentation or two four-cell mitotically active embryos if accompanied by at least one embryo with six or more cells).