(A) Representative flow cytometry plots of MHCII-expressing cells in eWAT SVCs. ATMs (CD45+ CD64+) (upper panels) and ATDCs (CD45+ CD64- CD11c+) (lower) from control (CON) and MMKO mice.
(B) Quantitation of ATMs and ATDCs (upper) and frequency of MHCII+ cells in ATMs and ATDCs (lower) from CON and MMKO mice. 5 mice assessed per group in 4 independent cohorts.
(C) Immunofluorescence images showing loss of MHCII+ expression in (green) and resident Mgl1+ ATMs (red). Scale bar = 50 μm.
(D) qPCR analysis of eWAT from CON and MMKO mice
(E) Quantitation of total blood myeloid cells and total lymphocytes.
(F) Frequency of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes in thymus, spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes (mLN).
Data are means ± SEM. ***, p <0.001 vs. CON.