Left-hand panels. Changes in frequency of breathing, Rejection Index and Rejection Index/frequency (Rinx/frequency) in conscious C57BL6 mice before, during a 5 min challenge with a hypoxic (HX) gas mixture (10% O2, 90% N2), a hypercapnic (HC) mixture (5% CO2, 21% O2, 74% N2), or a hypoxic-hypercapnic (H-H) mixture (5% CO2, 10% O2, 85% N2), and following return to room-air. Right-hand panels. Maximal responses recorded during the hypoxic challenge and upon return to room-air (HX – max and RA - max, respectively). The values at the end of the hypoxic challenge and the return to room-air (HX – 5 min and RA - 15 min, respectively) are also shown. The data are presented as mean ± SEM. There were 16 mice in each group. *P < 0.05, significant response. †P < 0.05, HC or HH versus HX.