The ECE1 enhancer is endothelial specific and restricts to arterial endothelium. ECE1[623]-lacZ transgenic embryos were collected at E7.75 (A), E8.5 (B), E9.0 (C,D), E9.5 (E,F) and E12.5 (G,H) and were X-gal stained and then analyzed by whole mount (A,B,C,E,G) or were sectioned and counterstained (D,F,H) to analyze ECE1 enhancer activity. al, allantois; cv, cardinal vein; da, dorsal aorta; en, endocardium; hrt, heart; lpm, lateral plate mesoderm; pcm, precardiac mesoderm; RV, right ventricle. Scale bars, 100 μm.