(A) Tocilizumab (5 μg/ml) inhibits TAM-induced CD44+ HepG2 cell expansion following three day co-culture with TAMs. CD44+ determined by FACS (n=5).
(B) Tocilizumab inhibits TAM-induced HepG2 POU5F1 gene expression as determined by qRT-PCR following co-culture as in (A) (n=5).
(C) TAM-induced sphere-forming capability is inhibited by Tocilizumab. Co-cultures performed as in (A) with HepG2 cells then undergoing sphere assay (n=8, representative photomicrographs 10x magnification).
(D) Western blot of HepG2 cells for phosphorylated STAT3 shows reduction by Tocilizumab (5 μg/mL) after co-culture with TAMS. One of three independent experiments is shown.
*p < 0.05. Data presented as mean±SEM.