Figure 5. ptc mutant CySCs proliferate faster than controls.
A, B There was an increase in the S-phase index in CySCs mutant for ptc. Quantification of S-phase in control (A) or ptc mutant (B) clones. Clones expressing GFP (green, single channel A’, B’) were labeled with Tj (red, single channel A”, B”) and EdU (blue, single channel A”’, B’”). Triply labeled cells (yellow arrowheads) were counted as a ratio of total cells double positive for GFP and Tj, with quantification shown in (E).
C stg-GFP (green, single channel C’) was upregulated in ptc mutant CySCs (yellow arrowheads). Zfh1 (red, single channel C”) labels CySCs, and their offspring and clones are identified by loss of the βgal marker (blue, single channel C’”).
D PCNA-GFP (green, single channel D’) was upregulated in ptc mutant clones. Clones are labeled by loss of βgal (blue, single channel D”’). Zfh1 (red, single channel D”) marks CySCs and their offspring. Arrow shows control CySC, and arrowhead shows a ptc mutant CySC.
E S-phase index. See legend of (A) above. Asterisks denote statistically significant change from control. Error bars denote SEM.
F Quantification of PCNA-GFP fluorescence intensity in control or ptc mutant CySCs. n = 11 for both genotypes. An asterisk denotes statistically significant change from control. Error bars denote SEM.