Table V.
Data Collection and Refinement Statistics
PDB code | E386G/Y341A/Q187A +C4; 4QLJ | E176Q/Y341A + C4; 4QLK | E176Q/Y341A/Q187A + C4; 4QLL |
Beamline | BL13B1 | BL13B1 | BL13B1 |
Wavelength (Å) | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Space group | P212121 | P21 | P212121 |
Unit cell parameters (Å, ˚) | a = 79.5 | a = 63.7 | a = 79.6 |
b = 101.2 | b = 79.5 | b = 101.3 | |
c = 127.3 | c = 102.0 | c = 127.4 | |
α = β = γ = 90˚ | α = γ = 90˚; β =98˚ | α = β = γ = 90˚ | |
No. of molecules per ASU | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Resolution range (Å) | 30–1.95 (2.02–1.95) | 30-1.83 (1.90–1.83) | 30–1.85 (1.92–1.85) |
Completeness (%) | 100.0 (100.0) | 98.7 (92.8) | 97.5 (96.4) |
I/σ(I) | 18.3 (4.4) | 13.7 (2.0) | 25.5 (4.9) |
Rsym (%)a | 10.3 (45.6) | 8.4 (46.5) | 7.7 (41.6) |
Rfactor (%)b | 17.5 | 15.3 | 16.2 |
Rfree (%)c | 20.2 | 16.9 | 18.5 |
No. of amino-acid residues | 944 | 944 | 944 |
No. of protein atoms | 7586 | 7604 | 7596 |
No. of water molecules | 835 | 839 | 839 |
Refined carbohydrate | Cellotetraose | Cellotetraose | Cellotetraose |
No. of carbohydrate atoms | 135 | 135 | 135 |
No. of other hetero atoms | 35 | 35 | 35 |
Ramachandran statisticsd | |||
Most favored regions (%) | 89.1 | 89.3 | 90.0 |
R.m.s.d. bond distances (Å) | 0.010 | 0.008 | 0.008 |
R.m.s.d. bond angle (˚) | 1.28 | 1.28 | 1.31 |
Mean B factors (Å2) | |||
All protein atoms | 16.17 | 18.12 | 16.62 |
Waters | 29.12 | 31.52 | 29.65 |
Hetero atoms | 32.42 | 36.13 | 31.31 |
Carbohydrate atoms | 36.78 | 39.74 | 33.05 |
Subsite −1 (A/B) | 25.71/25.72 | 31.77/30.55 | 25.57/24.73 |
Subsite +1 (A/B) | 26.97/27.81 | 34.36/33.89 | 29.69/31.15 |
Subsite +2 (A/B) | 30.29/31.44 | 33.75/35.55 | 29.76/30.29 |
Subsite +3 (A/B) | 42.05/40.81 | 34.20/37.59 | 30.97/32.63 |
Numbers in parentheses are outer shell parameters.
Rsym= Σhkl Σi |Ii(hkl) − <I(hkl)>|/ Σhkl Σi I(hkl).
Rfactor=(Σ|Fo| − |Fc|/Σ|Fo|).
Based on 5% of the unique observations not included in the refinement.
Ramachandran values were determined from PROCHECK.25