ALPs and APNs show reduced levels in the resistant larvae midgut compared to that in the wild-type strain. However, Aedes cadherin is not changed between the resistant and WT. (A) To determine the expression of target proteins in WT and G30 larvae midgut, BBMVs were extracted, loaded (10 μg) and separated in SDS-PAGE gel, transferred to a membrane and then incubated with the anti-AaeCad peptide antibody (lanes 1 and 2), anti-ALP polyclonal antibody (lanes 3 and 4), and anti-APN polyclonal antibody (lanes 5 and 6). (B) The band densities of target proteins were measured and quantified using Image J software and compared using Origin program. Lanes and columns 1, 3 and 5 – wild type and 2, 4 and 6 –resistant G30 strains. The expression of ALP (~40%) in G30 was reduced (lane and column 4) compared to that in WT (lane and column 3). The expression of APN in G30 (lane and column 6) was also reduced but less (~11%).