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. 2014 Sep 25;49(6):1767–1786. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.12236

Table 1.

Descriptive Statistics of Sample

Variable N (%)
Nurses, N = 1,203
  Mean (SD) 35.69 (10.93)
  Diploma 100 (8.3)
  Associate's degree 200 (16.6)
  Bachelor's degree 611 (50.1)
  Master's/doctoral degree 46 (3.8)
  Unknown 246 (20.4)
 Expertise level
  CN1 294 (29.3)
  CN2 600 (49.9)
  CN3 183 (18.2)
  CN4 33 (2.7)
  Unknown 93 (7.7)
 Tenure at the hospital
  Mean (SD) 6.20 (8.1)
Patients, N = 7,318
  Mean (SD) 55.66 (19.32)
  Male 3,699 (50.5)
  Female 3,619 (49.5)
 Insurance type
  Medicare 2,592 (35.4)
  Medicaid 1,692 (23.0)
  Blue cross/commercial 2,786 (38.1)
  Other/uninsured 248 (3.4)
 Service type
  Medical 4,348 (59.4)
  Surgical 2,970 (40.6)
 Hospitalization within 30 days prior to admission
  No 6,319 (86.3)
  Yes 999 (13.7)
 Rothman index (RI) at admission
  Mean (SD) 75.78 (18.12)
 RI at discharge
  Mean (SD) 78.59 (17.24)
 RI change
  Mean (SD) 2.81 (14.88)
 Patient died during hospitalization
  No 7,216 (98.6)
  Yes 102 (1.39)
 Patient readmitted within 30 days
  No 6,170 (84.3)
  Yes 1,148 (15.7)
 Length of stay, days
  Mean (SD)/median/retransformed mean* 5.54 (7.57)/3/3.48
 Total cost of hospitalization, $
  Mean (SD)/median/retransformed mean* 20,203.48 (30,381.84)/10,949.25/11,887.67

Retransformed smearing-adjusted mean of the log-transformed variable.