Table 2.
Selection of Hypotheses
Selected Hypotheses | Pharmacophore Features |
| |
1UNG-hypo 3 | A2D5R8R9 |
1UNH-hypo 1 | A3D4H8R10 |
1UNL-hypo 1 | A2D5D6R11R12 |
1UNL-hypo 2 | A2D6H8R11R12 |
1UNL-hypo 3 | A2A4H8D6R11R12 |
3O0G-hypo 2 | A1A2D3D4R7R8 |
Selection of Hypotheses
Selected Hypotheses | Pharmacophore Features |
| |
1UNG-hypo 3 | A2D5R8R9 |
1UNH-hypo 1 | A3D4H8R10 |
1UNL-hypo 1 | A2D5D6R11R12 |
1UNL-hypo 2 | A2D6H8R11R12 |
1UNL-hypo 3 | A2A4H8D6R11R12 |
3O0G-hypo 2 | A1A2D3D4R7R8 |