(a) Number of TSS pairs from each stability class mapping to different
regulatory regions as designated by ChromHMM. (b) UU pairs mapping to active
promoter regions (n = 1478) have a higher PRO-seq signal than those mapping to
strong enhancer regions (n =3171), where active promoters and strong enhancers are
defined by ChromHMM. (c-d) Ratio of mono- to tri-methylation of H3k4 at top
and bottom deciles of PRO-seq signal in both (c) promoter (n = 247,
248; top and bottom deciles, respectively) and (d) enhancer TSS regions (n
= 91 and 97; top and bottom deciles, respectively). (e) PRO-seq
signal versus indicated histone modifications at TSS regions. Signal is further split
between TSSs classified as unstable (light blue), stable (red), and points that overlap
between the two (grey). Centroid for each subset in white.