Fig. 13.
Spike-based LFP prediction results. A: example of estimations (gray), for both epochs of a single trial in monkey P, compared with the recorded LFP (black). Because predictions were based on 100 ms of past spiking history, and to maintain a separation between the 2 epochs, only 900 ms of each epoch was predicted. B: average over all trials of the recorded (black) and estimated (gray) LFP for the same channel, showing that the predictions capture a portion of the post-movement onset mERP. C: estimation accuracy distributions for all channels (as given by the Pearson correlation), with each trial epoch plotted separately. These illustrate the improvement in prediction accuracy during the MOVE epoch. Channels for which prediction accuracy could not be explained by chance, α = 0.05, are shown in black. D: scatterplot comparing the distribution of prediction accuracy values for predictions based on the greedy-selected area 2/5 ensembles (SSTSC) and those based on equally sized but randomly selected subpopulations: 500 random subpopulations were generated for each channel, and the median prediction performance is plotted here. For the majority (64%) of channels, the greedy-selected subpopulation outperformed the randomly selected subpopulations in predicting M1 LFPs.