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. 2014 Sep 10;112(11):2959–2984. doi: 10.1152/jn.00851.2012

Fig. 14.

Fig. 14.

Relation between directional bias of area 2/5 single neurons and M1 LFP. A and B: example data from 1 channel in monkey A. A: PSFC for the pairing of SSTSSimilar-Direction (SSTSSD)-LFP, SSTSOpposite-Direction (SSTSOD)-LFP, and SSTSC-LFP. Note that the PSFC in the range of 1–10 Hz for the pairing of SSTSC-LFP is the strongest overall, but the PSFC for the pairing of SSTSSD-LFP exceeds that of the PSFC for the pairing of SSTSOD-LFP. B: directional bias of each individual area 2/5 neuron entering the SSTSSD (similar-direction neurons) and SSTSOD (opposite-direction neurons) in red and directional tuning of the LFP during the MOVE period in blue. C: differences between peak PSFC in the 1–10 Hz range during the MOVE epoch for the SSTSSD-LFP vs. SSTSOD-LFP pairings for all 3 monkeys. Note that the distribution of differences is significantly higher than 0 for monkeys A and L and not monkey P with a window of ±45° for selection of area 2/5 neurons.