Figure 6. Results of RT-qPCR for CflncRNAs.
Gene specific primers for RT-qPCR were mentioned in Table S2. The detailes of PCR condition for each target gene were descrived in Supporting Information S1. (A)–(C): Bar graphs showing the gene expression relative to gapdh (means, bars = S.D). MH: adult male head (n = 3), MA: adult male abdomen (n = 3), FH: adult female head (n = 3), FA; adult female abdomen (n = 3), cleavage: cleavage-stage embryo (1–8 h post-oviposition, n = 9), morula: primary morula-stage embryo (12–24 h post-oviposition, n = 12). For A and B, *indicates a statistically significant difference, p<0.05 (two-sample t-test). (D) and (E): Comparison of mRNA expression levels between the different CflncRNA variants in each embryonic stage. Bar graphs showing the gene expression relative to gapdh (means, bars = S.D). Bars allocated the same letters are not statistically different (p<0.05, Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance).