Table 2.
Tobit regression model exponentiated estimates—dependent variable natural log 6-month NOAEL
Estimate (95% CI) | p value | |
Oral immunotherapy | 105·5 (67·73–164·40) | <0·001 |
Log (baseline NOAEL + 1) | 1·40 (1·15–1·69) | <0·001 |
Age | 0·76 (0·65–0·89) | <0·001 |
Female | 1·42 (0·87–2·31) | 0·16 |
Weight | 1·04 (1·01–1·06) | 0·004 |
Quality of life | 1·12 (0·89–1·42) | 0·32 |
Asthma | 1·09 (0·65–1·74) | 0·79 |
Eczema | 0·82 (0·53–1·26) | 0·36 |
Rhinitis | 0·69 (0·46–1·05) | 0·09 |
Other food allergy | 0·84 (0·52–1·36) | 0·48 |
Family history of peanut allergy | 0·41 (0·24–0·71) | 0·001 |
WAO grade 2 | 2·88 (1·65–5·01) | <0·001 |
WAO grade 3 | 0·86 (0·44–1·68) | 0·66 |
WAO grade 4 | 0·62 (0·21–1·82) | 0·40 |
Peanut SPT wheal diameter | 1·02 (0·94–1·11) | 0·60 |
Other nut SPT wheal diameter >3 mm | 1·37 (0·81–2·31) | 0·23 |
Tryptase | 1·06 (0·95–1·19) | 0·32 |
Log (peanut specific IgE + 1) | 0·60 (0·51–0·71) | <0·001 |
Log (total IgE + 1) | 1·74 (1·35–2·23) | <0·001 |
Log (basophil activation CD63 MFI AUC) | 0·98 (0·73–1·32) | 0·91 |
NOAEL is the highest amount of peanut protein (mg) tolerated after OIT. The continuous variables can be interpreted as the percentage change in NOAEL expected from a unit increase of that variable when all other covariates are fixed. The categorical variable estimates can be interpreted as the percentage change compared with the reference group when all other covariates are fixed. For logged covariates the expected percentage change in 6 month NOAEL with a 10% increase in the logged covariate can be calculated as 1·10⁁log (exponentiated estimate). For example, for a 10% increase in baseline NOAEL (mg) we would expect a [1·1⁁log(1·40)=1·032] 3·2% increase in 6 month NOAEL (mg). Similarly, for a 10% increase in baseline peanut specific IgE (kU/L) we would expect a 4·8% decrease in 6 month NOAEL (mg). NOAEL=no observed adverse effect level. OIT=oral immunotherapy. WAO=World Allergy Organization. SPT=skin prick test. MFI=mean fluorescent intensity. AUC=area under the curve.