Figure 1.
(A) Patient 1. Top: Multiple dark pigmented freckles on the lower lip. Bottom: Baseline gynecomastia prior to aromatase therapy. (B) patient 3. Left: Facial freckling. Right Top: Baseline gynecomastia prior to AIT. Right Middle: Gynecomastia following one year of AIT. Right Bottom: Full recession of gynecomastia. (C) patient 4. Top Left: Freckling of lips. Top Right: Baseline gynecomastia prior to AIT. Continuing clockwise, gynecomastia after 5 months, 3.75 years, and 4.75 years on treatment, and 2 years after cessation of treatment. (D) Patient 5. Top: Freckling on lips. Bottom: Baseline gynecomastia prior to AIT. (E) Patient 6. Left: Facial freckling. Right Top: Axillary freckling and baseline gynecomastia prior to AIT. Right Bottom: Recession of gynecomastia after 6 months of therapy.