Fig. 8.
The mre gene cluster is absent from most simple actinobacteria. The reciprocal blastp best-hit tabulation includes the region from SCO2605 to SCO2615. The numbered nodes refer to Fig. 2. See Fig. 3 legend and text for further details. The mre gene (SCO2611) is part of a cluster (SCO2607-2611) present in all streptomycetes and morphologically complex actinomycetes, but absent from nearly all mycobacteria and corynebacteria (rust red), and from members of the Micrococcineae (olive yellow), Bifidobacteriales (dark green) and Rubrobacterideae (brown). Interestingly, the adjacent gene SCO2606 (encoding a likely radical SAM enzyme related to those involved in tRNA methylation) shows a very similar distribution. The Figure also shows the distribution of hits to the MreB-associated actinobacterial signature protein SCO2097 (Kleinschnitz et al., 2011).