Schematic illustration of cuticular lipid translocation. Different scenarios describing the transport of wax precursors (orange disks) from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the PM have been proposed. Cuticular lipids may be (1) relocated at ER-PM contact sites, (2) grasped by ACBPs (e.g., AtACBP1; green crescent-shaped bodies), transported by (3) coated oleophilic bodies, (4) uncoated vesicles, or (5) the Golgi-mediated secretory pathway. The translocation of wax and cutin precursors through the PM is a complex action involving several ABC transporters, which are indicated in orange and green, respectively. The latter are either half-size proteins (AtABCG11, AtABCG12, AtABCG13), which function as homo- or heterodimers, or full-size transporters (AtABCG32). Often composition of the homo- or heterodimers defines the profile of the transported substrate (see the text for details). The transport of wax precursors across the cell wall to the plant surface is mediated by LTPGs (e.g., AtLTPG1 and AtLTPG2) in association with yet unknown LTPs. CW, cell wall; Cpl, cytoplasm.