Figure 5. SUBEX-C57Y is stabilized in A. thaliana os9-1, sel1l and mns4 mns5 mutants.
(A) Leaves from wild-type (wt) and os9-1 plants stably expressing SUBEX-C57Y-GFP were incubated with/without kifunensine (Kif). At the indicated time-points, proteins were extracted and analysed by immunoblotting. (B) Seedlings from wt plants stably expressing SUBEX-C57Y-GFP were incubated with/without Kif or MG132. Protein extracts were subjected to SDS/PAGE and immunoblotting. Detection of ubiquitin serves as a control for MG132 treatment. (C) Leaves from os9-1, sel1l and mns4 mns5 mutants stably expressing SUBEX-C57Y-GFP were incubated with or without Kif. (D) Leaves from wt plants stably expressing SUBEX-C57Y-GFP or the non-glycosylated SUBEX-C57Y-GFP variant NQ123 were incubated with/without Kif. Ponceau S (Ponc.) staining or anti-PDI detection served as loading controls.