of the MMP-13 CAT–compound 2 complex
revealing the distinct binding sites in protomer A (see the text).
(A) Annealed omit map with coefficients Fo – Fc contoured at 2.5σ
superimposed on the refined model of the MMP-13 CAT–2 complex. 2 was left out of the phase calculation. The
surface of the protein is blue, and the S1′ loop
is green. The catalytic zinc ion is a violet sphere, and formate from
the reservoir solution is shown as cyan sticks. The two distinct 2 molecules are represented as yellow and orange sticks. Formate
from the reservoir solution chelates the zinc ion and forms hydrogen
bonds with a nearby water molecule and the side chain of the catalytic
glutamic acid (E233) hidden beneath the surface. (B) S1′ 2 binding site in MMP-13 CAT. The color scheme
is the same as that in panel A, and the view is rotated only slightly
around the vertical compared to that of panel A. Gray dashed lines
represent selected van der Waals contacts (<4.6 Å), and the
blue dashed lines represent hydrogen-bonding interactions. (C) σ–A weighted electron density with coefficients 2mFo – dFc superimposed
on the S1/S2* 2 binding site in
the refined model of the complex. The color scheme is the same as
that in panel A except Y176, F189, and P190, which make the majority
of contacts with 2, are highlighted as dark green sticks.
The green sphere is a calcium ion. Hydrogen bonds are shown as orange
dashes, and metal–ligand interactions are shown as yellow dashes.
(D) Superposition of compounds 2 (yellow), 4 (white), and 5 (pink) in the S1′
binding site. All three compounds accept a hydrogen bond from the
amide nitrogen of Thr247. A second molecule of 2 can
be seen on the other side of catalytic zinc in the S1/S2* site. (E) Superposition of compound 2 (yellow)
with hydroxamic acid-based inhibitors (PDB code 456C, red; PDB code 830C, cyan36) that do not intrude deeply into the S1′ specificity loop. The difference in positions of residues
248–251 (disordered in structure 830C) in the two classes of inhibitors suggests
the S1′ specificity loop is conformationally dynamic in the
uninhibited enzyme.