Figure 5. Biophysical characteristics of KCNQ5 current.
Properties of I KCNQ5 are developed using experimental data from cloned mammalian KCNQ5 expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes (black) and other expression systems (gray) [31], [32], [34], [36], [38]–[42]. A, V-dependent activation steady state (n Q5∞). B, V-dependent steady states for fast inactivation (w Q5∞) and slow inactivation (s Q5∞). C, V-dependent activation time constants (τn Q5f and τn Q5s). τn Q5f is V -dependent but τn Q5s is set as a constant at 1 s. D, V-dependent time constants for fast inactivation (τw Q5) and slow inactivation (τs Q5). E and F, simulated time tracings of I KCNQ5 with two different voltage-clamp protocols (insets) used in Jensen et al. (2007) [32] and the experimental time tracings are shown for comparison. (Experimental tracing adapted with permission from Jensen et al. (2007); copyright 2007, Biophysical Society.) G, simulated I–V relationship of I KCNQ5 using the same voltage-clamp protocol as in E. All I–V data are normalized to the maximal current value at V = 40 mV.