Current activity engagement |
What types of activities is resident currently involved? (List activities in terms of organized, individual, one-to-one, and self-directed)
To what extent does resident involve for each activity? (e.g., once, 2~3 times, daily per week)
What is the level of attention and engagement during activities? (e.g., dozing, not focused and distracted, passively engaged, actively engaged in the steps of the activity)
Tailoring activity |
What functional needs (e.g., cognitive, health status, physiological, and psychosocial) are affecting his/her engagement in activities?
What is required to address functional needs of resident in order to participate in preferred activities? (e.g., accessories, assistive devices, supplies, or modification of activity)
What assistance does resident need in activities? (e.g., staff assistance to go to activity room, repeated instructions/reminders)
Activity schedule |
Do resident have activities in a regular basis? (e.g., daily, weekly, and monthly )
When is resident’s preferred time of day for an organized activity offered by the facility in general? (e.g., morning, afternoon, evening, no preference)
Is a change in his/her daily routines necessary in order to attend an activity? If the resident prefers not to change his/her routines, can the facility offer an alternative?
What is the preferred duration for an activity? (e.g., half an hour, one hour, more than one hour)
Room set-up |
Does resident have a preference in the size of an activity? (e.g., small group, large group, one-to-one, no preference)
Does resident have preference in the place of activity? (e.g., own room, facility activity room/indoor, outdoor, no preference)
Is an adjustment of sound necessary during an activity? (e.g., making sound louder for a resident with hearing difficulty)
Is an adjustment of lighting required? (e.g., more light for a resident with a vision problem)
Activity satisfaction |
Does the resident express positive emotion and satisfaction verbally or nonverbally during an activity?
What is the most preferred activity of resident?
What is the least preferred activity of resident?
What concerns do resident have in participating in activities?
Expanding activities |
Does resident express interests in continuing hobbies and activities that he/she previously enjoyed?
What motivates resident’s interests in doing activities?
Has resident tried a new activity recently and how does he/she like?
Special accommodation |