RECQ1 expression in the NCI-60 panel correlates with markers of tumor progression. (A) Significant correlations of RECQ1 with select genes involved the cell invasion, migration, and metastasis. The numbers in the table are expression profile correlations for expression of gene pairs in the NCI-60 panel. EMT, epithelial to mesenchymal transition; (B) RECQ1 expression is highly correlated with the mesenchymal marker vimentin. Comparison of expression profiles for RECQ1, VIM (vimentin), and CDH1 (E-cadherin) across the NCI-60 cell lines. Mean-centered transcript z-cores are plotted on the x-axis; bars to the right show increased expression, bars to the left show decreased expression relative to the expression mean. The cell lines on the y-axis are grouped by tissue of origin. BR, breast; CNS, central nervous system; CO, colon; LE, leukemia; ME, melanoma; LC, lung cancer; OV, ovarian; PR, prostrate; RE, renal. Data was generated querying RECQL (RECQ1) as input in Cellminer (