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. 2014 Dec;21(6):309–317. doi: 10.3747/co.21.1647


Dose tolerance and discontinuations related to safety in studies of sunitinib

Study Patients (n) Dose (%) Discontinuations because of adverse events (%)

Reference Phase Tumour type Intensity Reductions Interruptions
Continuous daily dosing (37.5 mg daily) in various cancers
  Escudier et al., 200926 Phase ii rcc 107 93 43 65 15
  George et al., 200921 Phase ii gist 60 nr 23 77 7
  Novello et al., 200928 Phase ii nsclc 47 nr 29.8 36.2 25.5
  Raymond et al., 201127 Phase iii Pancreatic 86 Sunitinib 91.3 31 30 17
net 85 Placebo 100.6 11 12 8
Schedule 4/2a in pancreatic net
  Kulke et al., 200832 Phase ii 107 (41 carcinoid, 66 pancreatic net) nr 47.7 62.6 10.2

Four consecutive weeks of every six weeks.

gist = gastrointestinal stromal tumour; nr = not reported; rcc = renal cell cancer; nsclc = non-small-cell lung cancer; net = neuroendocrine tumour.