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. 2014 Dec 5;9(12):e113515. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113515

Table 1. Details of all studied aquaria with associated water quality data.

Type Aquarium code Sampling days Sampling codes Aquarium water volume (L) Water change regimen pH Dissolved O2 (mg O2 L−1) Temperature (°C) TAN (mg N L−1) PO4 3- (mg P L−1) SO4 2- (mg L−1) Fish type Live plants
Freshwater (no N budget) F1 1, 35, 55, 76, 104 F1_1, F1_2, F1_3, F1_4, F1_5 450 10% biweekly 6.0±0.3 6.7±0.5 24.7±0.5 0.45±0.40 1.1±1.0 106±27 27 mixed tropical fish Yes
F2 1, 40, 61, 89 F2_1, F2_2, F2_3, F2_4 1050 Unspecified 7.3±0.5 6.8±0.3 24.7±0.5 0.20±0.11 1.9±0.7 221±25 22 African cichlids Yes
F3 1, 28, 57, 85, 113 F3_1, F3_2t, F3_2b, F3_3, F3_4t, F3_4b, F3_5t, F3_5b 175 15% weekly 8.0±0.2 9.1±0.1 18.5±1.0 0.26±0.39 0.2±0.1 80±20 Asellus aquaticus (crustacean) No
Freshwater (N budget) F4 1, 22, 50, 79 F4_1t, F4_1b, F4_2t, F4_2b, F4_3, F4_4 200 25% weekly 7.6±0.1 6.5±0.3 24.2±1.3 0.18±0.20 1.9±1.0 83±18 10 African cichlids, 1 Hypostomus plecostomus No
F5 (temporal test) 1, 22, 50, 79 F5_1t, F5_1b, F5_2, F5_3t, F5_3b, F5_4 80 25% weekly 8.0±0.2 7.6±0.2 23.2±1.5 0.16±0.10 0.9±0.8 83±20 4 Carassius auratus (goldfish) No
*F5 (spatial test) 1', 20', 40' F5s_1t, F5s_1m, F5s_1b, F5s_2t, F5s_2m, F5s_2b, F5s_3t, F5s_3m, F5s_3b 80 25% weekly 7.7±0.1 7.6±0.2 23.0±0.3 <0.1 N.A. N.A. 4 Carassius auratus (goldfish) No
F6 (temporal test) 1, 29, 57, 86 F6_1, F6_2, F6_3, F6_4 40 25% weekly 7.9±0.5 6.5±0.5 28.1±0.5 0.17±0.12 1.3±0.6 113±77 4 Xiphophorus helleri, 2 Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, 1 Hypostomus plecostomus No
*F6 (spatial test) 1', 20', 40' F6s_1t, F6s_1m, F6s_1b, F6s_2t, F6s_2m, F6s_2b, F6s_3t, F6s_3m, F6s_3b 40 25% weekly 8.0±0.1 6.7±0.1 26.5±0.3 <0.1 N.A. N.A. 4 Xiphophorus helleri, 2 Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, 1 Hypostomus plecostomus No
Marine M 1, 14, 63, 77, 105 M_1, M_2, M_3, M_4, M_5 550 10% weekly 7.8±0.2 7.4±0.3 24.3±1.4 0.30±0.04 0.2±0.0 209±96 17 mixed marine fish and reefs No

b, m, t: biofilter bottom, middle and top compartment, respectively. N.A.: not available

* spatial test was conducted 6 months after temporal study.