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. 2014 Dec 5;9(12):e113868. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113868

Table 4. Detailed assumptions used for base case costing and cost-effectiveness analysis (scenario ES*).

Unit Base case analysis Notes
Testing Costs
Materials to complete one RST US$ 1.53 See Table 1
Staff hourly salary US$ 3.55 See note**
Additional staff time per test Hours 0.292 17.5 minutes per test from Zuznik et al.
Staff salary cost per test US$ 1.03
Materials and staff per test US$ 2.56
Monthly equivalent training cost per nurse US$ 19.62 See Table 3
New ANC patients per month Patients 36.00 BUPIP records, evaluation study sites
Training cost per patient US$ 0.54
Total cost per patient tested US$ 3.10 Materials, staff time, and training
Treatment Costs
Materials for 1 dose of penicillin 0.54 See Table 2
Additional staff time per injection US$ 0.08 Authors' estimate
Additional staff salary cost per injection Hours 0.30
Total cost for one dose of penicillin US$ 0.83
Proportion receiving 3 doses US$ 1.00
Additional Information
Proportion testing positive 0.028 Bonawitz et al.
Proportion patients that are true positives 0.008335 Authors' calculations***
RST sensitivity 0.98 Authors' calculations***
RST specificity 0.98 Authors' calculations***
Proportion tested 0.62 Bonawitz et al.
Proportion treated if tested positive 0.104 Bonawitz et al.
Proportion of true positives with active syphilis 0.8 Kahn et al.
Additional adverse birth outcomes due to syphilis (stillbirth/fetal loss, neonatal death) Proportion 0.3 Gomez et al.
DALYs(3,0) per ABO attributable to syphilis 26.93 Authors calculations, 3% discount rate, no age weighting, life expectancy at birth equal to 55 years
Exchange Rate ZMW/$ 5.2 Annual average, 2012, OANDA.COM

*The base case scenario, called Scenario ES, is the full set of information that is used to estimate costs per 1,000 new ANC patients and cost effectiveness. Information in Scenario is based on prevalence and patient management as observed during the evaluation study (a 12 month period following RST training and the roll out in Kalomo District) and information on costs as presented in Tables 13 and additional information as needed. Sources for all information are provided in the table.

**Nurse level MS08 on government salary scale, ZMW 32,451 annual salary and all benefits, 220 working days per year, 8 hours per day.

***With 2.8% testing positive during the evaluation study, we identified the combination of true prevalence, sensitivity, and specificity that are consistent with the 2.8% testing positive.