Table 1. Targeted areas within districts and localities and distribution of reports, inspections, and uncovered infestation during surveillance phase of a Chagas disease vector control program, Arequipa, Peru, 2003–2011*.
Nested units | City blocks | Households | Households reporting infestations | Households inspected | Households inspected and found infested |
Participating districts, n = 8 | 5,955 | 79,972 | 301 | 785 | 145 |
Infested localities, n = 256 | 4,755 | 67,218 | 258 | 714 | 133 |
Targeted areas | 3,727 | 56,491 | 225† | 613 | 116‡ |
*Reporting and inspected households during surveillance are counted from January 2009 through end of December 2012. †Households in targeted city blocks have a similar rate of report and risk of being positive during the surveillance phase as other households in their districts: odds ratio 1.12, p = 0.45; and 0.94, p = 0.77, controlling for diversity between districts. ‡Among these households, 77 were reporting households (35% of the 219 inspected reporting households).