(A) Wnt3A-induced ALP activity decreases in iSCAP-KD cells. Subconfluent iSCAP-KD and iSCAP-Ctrl cells were infected with AdWnt3A or AdGFP. At the indicated time points post infection, cells were either stained for qualitative ALP activity at day 3. Each assay conditions were done in triplicate. Representative staining results are shown. (B) Wnt3A induces ALP activity in a dose-dependent fashion, which is blunted by silencing β-catenin expression in iSCAP cells. Subconfluent iSCAP-KD and iSCAP-Ctrl cells were infected with the indicated titers (MOIs, multiplicities of infection) of AdWnt3A or AdGFP. At the indicated time points post infection, cells were lysed for quantitative ALP activity assays at days 3 (a) or 5 (b). Each assay conditions were done in triplicate. “**”, p<0.001 (iSCAP-KD vs. iSCAP-Ctrl).