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. 2013 Mar;131(Suppl 1):S96–S102. doi: 10.1542/peds.2012-1427l


Survey of Practitioners’ Knowledge About Probiotics and Current or Planned Prescribing Habits

Before Probiotic Education After Probiotic Education P Value
I typically treat children with AGE with probiotics. % agreement % agreement
 Residents or medical students (n = 30) 0 80 .001
 Hospital medicine attending physicians (n = 11) 18 63 .001
The evidence supports probiotics’ reduction of diarrhea. % correct % correct
 Residents or medical students (n = 30) 55 96 .001
 Hospital medicine attending physicians (n = 11) 70 100 <.001
Probiotics have a dose-dependent efficacy. % correct % correct
 Residents or medical students (n = 30) 59 100 .001
 Hospital medicine attending physicians (n = 11) 70 100 <.001
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