Figure 3.
Russet mites suppress spider mite-induced expression of JA-marker genes but induce expression of a SA-marker gene. Relative transcript levels of PPO-F (A), TD-II (B), JIP-21 (C), WIPI-II (D) and PR-P6 (E) in wild-type (WT) tomato (cv. MM) leaflets infested with spider mites (SM), russet mites (RM) or both species (Both mites) together (seven days after infestation). Values (+SE) represent the mean of 11 to 13 plants from three independent experiments. Different letters above the bars denote significant differences in expression levels between treatments (ANOVA followed by Fisher’s LSD test; P <0.05). ANOVA, analysis of variance; JA, jasmonic acid; LSD, least significant difference; SA, salicylic acid; SE, standard error.