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. 2014 Dec 8;8:388. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2014.00388

Table 2.

Cross-sectional studies neuroimaging cognitive functioning during HRT.

Study Subjects [STRAW stage] Age (y) Hormonal treatment Technique / Tracer Test Comparison Results Notes
Berent-Spillson et al., 2012 56 (42–61) (No HT ≥3m): fMRI Episodic verbal memory (encoding and storage) PreMP vs. periMP vs. postMP PostMP: ↑ iFC r, PFC l, TP l Different executive function, and verbal fluency, after adj for age
[S:−3 S:−2 S:+1] 47 ± 3 gr1 (n = 20): PreMP periMP: ↑iFC l
53 ± 3 gr2 (n = 15): periMP corr −: E and iFC l, TP l, PHC l, PC l
54 ± 3 gr3 (n = 32): PostMP
Visual working memory n.s.
Dumas et al., 2012b 24 59 ± 6 gr1 (n = 12): E (3m) + antimuscarinic / antinicotinic / placebo fMRI (2x) Visual verbal working memory + cholinergic antagonist ET vs. placebo [Antimuscarinic]: E: ↓ mFG l (BA10), aCG r (BA24), iPL l (BA40), Ins r (BA13), sTG l (BA22) = Performance
[S:+2] 60 ± 5 gr2 (n = 12): placebo (3m) + antimuscarinic / antinicotinic /placebo [Antinicotinic]: E: ↑ pCun r (BA31), ↑ paracentralL (BA5), ↓ PHG r (BA34)
Maki et al., 2011 25 60 ± 3 (HT before final menstruation): fMRI Verbal memory HT vs. NT [recognition]: NT: ↑ PHG (BA35, 36), HT: ↑HC l HT: ↑ verbal memory performance
[S:+2] 60 ± 3 gr1 (n = 13): E/CEE (P, n = ?) [match]: HT: ↑ HC l
gr2 (n = 12): NT [encoding-match]: NT: ↑ HC l
Figural memory HT vs. NT [recognition]: HT: ↑ PHG l (BA35, 27), perirhinal
[recognition-match]: HT: ↑ PHG r (BA35)
Berent-Spillson et al., 2010 55 68 ± 6 PostMP (within 2y of MP and past HT≥10y): fMRI Visual working memory ET+HT vs. NT ET+HT: ↑ iFL r, aC, aIns l, PL r, sPL l, HC l, PHC, pC, raphe = Performance
[S:+2] 64 ± 5 gr1 (n = 17): CEE Corr +: performance and activation Hipp r, meTL
66 ± 5 gr2 (n = 20): CEE+P
gr3 (n = 18): NT
ET vs. NT ET: ↑ sFL, aIns l, pIns, sPL r, iPL, HC l, PC
HT vs. NT HT: ↑ pFC r, iFL r, sFL l, Pu l, Ins r, aIns l, pIns l, sPL r, HC, PHG l, pC, midbrain raphe
HT vs. ET HT: ↑ sPC l, PHG
ET: ↑ sFL r, pFC r, sPC r
Gleason et al., 2006 23 58 ± 5 PostMP fMRI Cognitive HT vs. NT HT: ↑ HC r, vpTL l E > NT > CEE memory performance
[S:+2] gr1 (n = 4): opposed E
gr2 (n = 10): opposed CEE
gr3 (n = 9): NT
Maki and Resnick, 2000 28 66 ± 6 gr1 (n = 12): E (+P, n = 6) (pastET≈15y) + 2y PET (2x) Verbal memory ET vs. NT ET: ↑ HC r, Ins r, sTG l HT: ↑ memory performance
[S:+2] 68 ± 6 gr2 (n = 16): NT (pastET, n = 5) + 2y [15O] water Verbal vs. rest NT: ↑ ACC l
Over time
Figural memory ET vs. NT ET: ↑ pPHG r, iFG r
Figural vs. rest NT: ↑ miTG r, ↓Cb r
Over time
Resnick et al., 1998 32 68 ± 6 gr1 (n = 15): ET (+P, n = 7) PET Resting state / / HT: ↑ figural and verbal memory
[S:+2] 65 ± 6 gr2 (n = 17): NT (pastET, n = 5) [15O] water
Verbal memory ET vs. NT ET: ↓ PHG r, PCun r, dFG r
Verbal vs. rest NT: ↑ iFC r, ↓ Hy l
Figural memory ET vs. NT ET: ↑ iPL r, ↓ PHG r, NT: ↑ visual ass cortex l, ↓ aThal l, MB r
Figural vs. rest

See Appendix for acronyms/abbreviations.