Effect of 4EGI-1 and its constrained indazole-based 4EGI-1 mimetic on mRNAs of cyclin D1, survivin, and p70S6K, whose expression was reduced in the presence of these analogs. Lysates of CRL-2813 cells that were incubated with the small molecules were analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR. The results from three independent experiments were calculated, and then were normalized to the levels of mRNA18S. The data are shown as the means ±S.D. and analyzed using one-way ANOVA with Dunnett post-test. The significance in difference was assigned at a level of less than a 5% probability (P<0.05). mRNAcyclin
mRNAsurvivin/mRNA18S, and mRNAp70S6K/mRNA18S.