Hoffman 2004.
Methods |
Participants |
Interventions |
Each participant received 2 capsules/day each containing 500 mg of fatty acids (200 mg of which was DHA, for a total of 400 mg/d of DHA), or 2 placebo capsules/day containing 500 mg of fatty acids with no DHA, administered for 4 years |
Outcomes |
Notes |
Risk of bias | ||
Bias | Authors' judgement | Support for judgement |
Random sequence generation (selection bias) | Unclear risk | “Placebo and + DHA assignments were made following a block randomization schedule (10/block).” (p 705) Method used for random sequence generation is unclear |
Allocation concealment (selection bias) | Low risk | “Relatives were randomized together to eliminate a potential for mixing of capsules; there were five sib‐pairs in each cohort” (p 705) |
Blinding of Participants | Low risk | “All medications were labeled either A or B by the manufacturer. Both study oils were encapsulated with ethyl vanillin‐flavored gelatin; thus, smell and taste of the capsules were identical.” (p 705) |
Blinding of Caregivers | Low risk | “Martek retained the code and divulged group assignment to the Data and Safety Monitoring Committee when requested to or to a patient’s physician in case of a medical emergency.” (p 705) |
Blinding outcome assessors for primary outcome (visual field) | Low risk | “The randomization code was not available to study personnel conducting visual function assessments until after completion of testing.” (p 705) |
Blinding outcome assessors for secondary outcome (visual acuity) | Low risk | “The randomization code was not available to study personnel conducting visual function assessments until after completion of testing.” (p 705) |
Blinding outcome assessors for secondary outcome (ERG) | Low risk | “The randomization code was not available to study personnel conducting visual function assessments until after completion of testing.” (p 705) |
Incomplete outcome data addressed for primary outcome (visual field) | Low risk | “Of the 44 patients enrolled, all completed 3 years; 41 patients completed 4 years . . . test results from the previous year were used in place of an occasional missing value” (p 706, 709) |
Incomplete outcome data addressed for secondary outcome (visual acuity) | Low risk | “Of the 44 patients enrolled, all completed 3 years; 41 patients completed 4 years . . . test results from the previous year were used in place of an occasional missing value” (p 706, 709) |
Incomplete outcome data addressed for secondary outcome (ERG) | Low risk | “Of the 44 patients enrolled, all completed 3 years; 41 patients completed 4 years . . . test results from the previous year were used in place of an occasional missing value” (p 706, 709) |
Selective reporting (reporting bias) | Unclear risk | Insufficient information to permit judgment as the study protocol is not available |
Other bias | Low risk | We did not detect other bias |
±: plus or minus/with or without >: more/greater than ≥: more/greater than or equal to <: less than DHA: docosahexaenoic acid DSMB: Data and Safety Monitoring Board EDTRS: Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study ERG: electroretinogram HFA: Humphrey Field Analyzer NEI: National Eye Institute no: number RCT: randomized controlled trial RP: retinitis pigmentosa SD: standard deviation