Figure 2.
BRCA2 displays heterogeneous mobility. (A) An image sequence showing diffusion of two BRCA2 particles, coming from an area above or below the observed focal plane, with transient binding. Individual frames are separated by 50 ms. (B) Tracked BRCA2 particle trajectories from the sequence in A are displayed as yellow lines superimposed on the 14th frame. (C) Other BRCA2 tracks representative of mobile or bound species. Bars, 0.5 µm. (D and F) The histograms show all particle jumps r from tracks classified as either bound (D) or mobile (F), respectively. (E and G) From these histograms, CDFs, normalized between 1 and 0 and displayed as decay, were derived and subjected to fitting with three components. The blue and red lines represent raw and fitted data, respectively. The data shown, obtained under nondamaged conditions, are representative of multiple experimental repeats (n > 10). Each dataset is based on at least 20 cells.