Figure 3.
Glycolytic metabolite levels and metabolite ratios and fold change (FC), variable influence of projection (VIP) score and q-value comparisons of all quantified glycolytic metabolites at 2-, 14-, 24- and 72-h time points after Ketamine treatment (3 mg kg−1). (a) Glycolysis/gluconeogenesis time course metabolite FCs and ratios. Metabolite ratios are indicated by boxes and each box represents a time point (from left to right 2, 14, 24 and 72 h). Significant metabolite ratio differences or trends are illustrated in pink (increased ratio) and black (decreased ratio). (b) Comparison of the FCs, q-values and VIP scores of all metabolites of the glycolytic pathway. N=5 mice per group and time point. #P⩽0.10, *P⩽0.05, **P⩽0.01. P-values were determined by Student's t-test.