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. 2014;13(2):20–26.

Table 1.

Characteristics of the study groups, comparison of the respiratory indices with reference values and the results of normality tests.

variable Group

Under weight(n=29) Normal weight(n=38) K-S
Age(year) 16±.84 15.9±0.86 0.644 0.740
BMI(kg/m2) 17.28±1.02 21.21± 1.67 0.777 0.659
WHR 0.71± 0.05 0.73± 0.05 0.944 0.527
WC(cm) 61.28± 3.0 68.13± 5.7 0.461 0.853
FM(kg) 7.80± 2.63 12.79± 2.92 0.769 0.665
FFM(kg) 37.46± 3.4 40.682± 4.5 0.809 0.639
VO2max(ml/kg/min) 40.11± 2.76 40.66± 2.79 0.768 0.665
FVCbase(liter) 2.78± 0.38 2.88± 0.34 0.912 0.561
FVC reference (liter) 3.254±0.39* 3.18± 0.36*
FEV1 base (liter) 2.76± 0.36 2.83±0.32 0.644 0.740
FEV1 reference (liter) 3.25±0.39* 2.71± 0.30*

BMI=body mass index: WHR=waist to hip ratio: WC=waist circumference: FM: fat mass: LBM=lean body mass: VO2max= maximal oxygen uptake: FVC=forced vital capacity: FEV1= forced expiratory volume in 1 second


p<0.05. k-s= Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Z and p= p value and z for k-s test