Figure 8. The effects of ADBAC+DDAC disinfectant on fecundity of breeding pairs.
A. Cumulative number of pups born per treatment group in the first 100 days of exposure prior to any dam loss. Cumulative pup number was significantly lower in the 120 exposure group even before dam morbidity occurred (RM-ANOVA, p≤0.05). B. Cumulative least squares means estimate of pup number over the full 180 days. Least squares means were calculated to account for dam morbidity and approximate cumulative pup number over 180 days of treatment. Significantly fewer pups overall were delivered by dams in the 120 group compared to 0 (p=0.002) and 60 mg/kg/day (p=0.008) treatment groups (RM-ANOVA, p≤0.05).