The red-green [L/(L+M)] vs. blue-yellow [S/(L+M)] chromaticity plots for fruits (red dots) and upper and lower sides of leaves (upward and downward facing green triangles, respectively) of 23 major dietary fruit species of spider monkeys under trichromat models with the observed (553 and 538 nm) (A) and the expected (560 and 550 nm) (B) λmax sets of the L/M opsin alleles (SYT and SFT). The mean values are plotted for each species. Red open circles: objects classified as fruit as by Support Vector Machine (SVM). Green open squares: objects classified as a leaf by SVM. ‘Conspicuous’ fruits in (A): Allophylus occidentalis, Annona purpurea, Bunchosia ocellata, Castilla elastic, Diospyros salicifolia, Dipterodendron costaricense, Doliocarpus dentatus, Ficus cotinifolia, F. hondurensis, F. ovalis, Genipa americana, Guettarda macrosperma, Karwinskia calderoni, Krugiodendron ferreum, Manilkara chicle and Spondias mombin. ‘Cryptic’ fruits in (A): Brosimum alicastrum, Cecropia peltata, F. obtucifolia, Maclura tinctoria, Sciadodendron excelsum, Sideroxylon capiri and Simarouba glauca. F. obtucifolia was classified as conspicuous in B and as cryptic in A.