Figure 2.
Maximum likelihood tree of six translated glycyl radical enzyme genes in the draft Smithella ME-1 genome (Embree et al., 2013) recovered through tblastn searches (shown in boldface, with the SCADC assA sequence); sequence length is shown in parentheses. Closely related sequences were recovered from the NCBI nr-database through BLASTX searches and all sequences were aligned using MAFFT, followed by phylogenetic tree construction using PhyML (Guindon et al., 2010) with LG model and 100 bootstrap replicates in Geneious R7 ( Bootstrap support ⩾70% is indicated. The tree was rooted by midpoint rooting. The assA sequences from clones (indicated on tree) were not full length and ranged from 414–662 bp. All other sequences used in the tree were full length (>2400 bp). A tree with the same overall topology was obtained when including only full-length sequences and removing gaps (not shown).