Figure 1.
Combination simvastatin and metformin treatment significantly inhibits C4-2B metastatic CRPC cell viability. (a) Percentage cell viability (mean±S.D.) by the methylene blue assay in C4-2B3 and C4-2B4 cells following treatment with 4 μM simvastatin (SIM) and/or 2 mM metformin (MET) for 24−96 h, n=3 per treatment group. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 determined by ANOVA followed by the Tukey multiple comparison procedure where a=untreated, b=SIM, c=MET, and d=SIM+MET in comparisons. (b) Light microscope images at × 10 and × 40 magnification of untreated and combination 4 μM SIM and 2 mM MET-treated C4-2B3 and C4-2B4 cells at 24−72 h (96 h not shown as only 2−6% of SIM+MET-treated C4-2B cells remain viable at that time point)