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. 2014 Dec 9;9(12):e114926. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114926

Table 1. Infestation of unionids by Dreissena spp. in the waterbodies surveyed in 2011–2012.

Parameter LakeErie LakeOntario LakeSt. Clair BurtLake DouglasLake LakeParadise Detroit River
Infested unionids 33.3% 29.1% 45.8% 97.8% 97.3% 90.8% 85.2%
(sample size) (1,914) (1,493) (461) (45) (74) (109) (27)
Dreissena spp. to hostunionid wet weight ratios:
mean ± standard error 0.065±0.01 0.061±0.007 0.64±0.05 0.65±0.08 1.09±0.18 0.55±0.08 n.r.
median (sample size) 0.005 (178) 0.019 (295) 0.38 (169) 0.670 (22) 0.718 (34) 0.350 (45) n.r.
[Q25–Q75] [0.0004–0.046] [0.006–0.49] [0.07–1.00] [0.36–0.67] [0.33–0.72] [0.19–0.35]
Unionids with past infestation 32% (1,580) 50% (1,301) 84% (461) 98% (45) 99% (74) 98% (109) 96% (27)
Uninfestedunionids of totalwith pastinfestation 47% 54% 47% 0% 1% 7% 12%
Time since invasiona (years) by
 D. polymorpha 25 23 23 18 10 18 23
 D. r. bugensis 22 21 22 - - - 22
reference [31],[99] [99],[100] [30],[63] [63] [63] [101] [102]
D. polymorpha of total dreissenid abundance in the waterbody 5% 1% 90% 100% 100% 100% 90%
reference [64] [62] b [63] [63] [63] b

Percent unionids infested by dreissenid mussels, the ratio of total wet weight of attached Dreissena spp. (>2 mm in size) to host unionid wet weight (mean ± standard error, median, lower and upper quartiles, sample size in parentheses), percent unionids with past infestation (unionids with or without Dreissena and with byssal threads) and percent D. polymorpha of total lake-wide dreissenid abundance are given for each waterbody studied (the lower Great Lakes, Lake St. Clair, the Detroit River, and inland lakes in north Michigan (Burt, Douglas, and Paradise lakes)).


Time since the first recorded finding. No D. r. bugensis was reported from lakes Burt, Douglas and Paradise.


D. Zanatta, unpublished data.