Figure 4. Analysis of feeding and clock-dependency of circadian hepatic TAG accumulation.
A., Profile of oscillating TAG identified based on JTK_CYCLE analysis for WT and Per1/2 −/− mice fed either ad libitum or exclusively during the night. Data are presented as mean +/− STDEV of fold induction for all oscillating TAG relative to the lowest point for each one. B., Accumulation profiles of total TAG levels in livers of WT and Per1/2 −/− mice fed either ad libitum or exclusively during the night. Data are presented as mean +/− STDEV of fold induction for total TAG levels relative to the lowest point. The corresponding P values based on JTK_CYCLE analysis were 0.31, 0.03, 0.02, 0.02, respectively. C., A radar plot presenting the circadian food consumption of WT and Per1/2 −/− mice fed either ad libitum or exclusively during the night. The time of day is indicated in hours, and y-axis shows the food consumption in grams. See also Figures S4, S5 and S7, and Table S6.