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. 2014 Sep 26;15(1):319. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-15-319

Table 2.

The predictive docking performance starting from the “start1” site

Start RMSD, Å
Test case Ligand Interface Hits 1 ZR2 Rank 2 ZRT Rank 2 T20 RMSD 3, Å
3HUJ 21.23 9.67 0 - - 7.91
4EI5 8.95 3.43 7 6 1 2.21
4LHU 8.22 2.42 45 17 8 1.97
4MNG 13.9 5.06 6 235 (10) 107 (8) 3.22
4L4T4 5.77 2.63 38 1 1 1.07

1Number of hit predictions among the 1000 models from TCRFlexDock.

2Rank of the first hit; for 4MNG, values in parentheses denote the ranks of the first “acceptable” prediction.

3Lowest interface root mean square distance from bound in the top 20 predictions, ranked by the ZRT scoring function.

4Only TCR α chain and MR1 were used to evaluate these predictions, as unbound and bound TCR β chains differ in sequence.