Figure 4.
GOSlim functional annotation enrichment for up- and down-regulated protein groups. Enrichment of GOSlim annotations was computed using BiNGO for up- and down-regulated protein groups separately (145 up-regulated proteins; 170 down-regulated proteins). Over-represented terms are displayed graphically as hierarchical trees for each ontology (GOBP, GOMF, and GOCC), where each term is shown as a node and parent–daughter terms are connected by edges. The size of the node is proportional to the number of molecules within this group, and the color of the node represents the significance of enrichment (see color scale). To distinguish up- and down-regulated processes, nodes linked by green edges are found only in the up-regulated group, whereas nodes linked by red edges are only found in the down-regulated group. Nodes linked by black edges are common to both groups. All proteins relating to each term and individual term significance scores are listed in Supplementary Table S5.