Figure 2.
DNA replication is the most significantly affected process following depletion of CDC7. DNA replication was identified as differentially regulated by the GeneMania network tool. (a) Top-scoring interaction cluster within the GeneMania network contained 43 nodes and 1429 edges (MCODE score 33.23) and was highly enriched for the GOBP term DNA replication. (b) CDC7 “interactome”. Fifty-eight nodes from our GeneMania network were linked to CDC7 via direct edges. The gray nodes are proteins from our 124 strict data set, the yellow nodes are from the list of software “suggested” proteins which were potentially affected by CDC7 depletion and observed in our data set (see text) and the white nodes are suggested proteins that were not identified in our data set. The sizes of white and yellow nodes correspond to the strength of association with the data set. Edges are colored by interaction evidence (see key) and the edge thickness represents the significance of the association.