Figure 2.
In SD-OCT, a point source is scanned over the retina, acquiring one axial scan (A-scan) per retinal location. If the point source is scanned in a line across the retina, a 2D, cross-sectional image of the retina (B-scan) is created. If the point source is raster scanned, in two dimensions, a 3D, volumetric image may be generated. From the latter, areal (or en face) projections of the retinal layers at specific depths (C-scans) may be extracted. C-scans from the depths of bands 2 and 3 are shown (right). Both reveal regular mosaics of the overlapping bright spots24 whose spacing agrees with histologic measurements of cone photoreceptors.78 At both layers, reflected light appears to be confined, laterally, to the interior of the cell.