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. 2014 Nov;10(11):20140801. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2014.0801

Table 1.

Notation, definitions and demographic equations used in the model.

notation name of parameter, variable or equation definition
K neutral substitution rate rate at which mutations with no effect on fitness are fixed in the genome per time unit
U mutation probability per generation the probability that, at a focal site, an offspring has a mutation that its parents do not have
r population intrinsic growth rate (Malthusian parameter) the exponential per capita rate of population increase
f(x) fecundity rate of reproduction in female offspring per mother (age x) per year
b age at first reproduction age at which individuals reproduce for the first time
c length of reproductive time window time in years during which an individual is reproductively active, if it does not die for stochastic reasons earlier
d (=b + c) age at last reproduction age in years at which an individual is potentially able to reproduce for the last time, if it has not died for stochastic reasons earlier (close to maximum lifespan in species without menopause)
σ offspring survival probability proportion of new-born offspring surviving to reproductive age
μ adult mortality rate instantaneous mortality rate of reproductive individuals
l(x) survival probability probability of survival from birth to age x, taking into account both juvenile and adult survival
σf recruitment rate of offspring surviving to maturity per mother per year (i.e. juvenile survival multiplied by fecundity)
T generation time mean age of parents, averaged over new-born individuals in a population: Inline graphic
Euler–Lotka equation Inline graphic
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