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. 2014 Nov;10(11):20140811. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2014.0811

Table 1.

Highest posterior probability values and, in brackets, 95% HPD intervals, for the parameters estimated using ima2. Results are listed for each of the six independent runs performed on each pairwise population analysis. Values in bold are the arithmetic means (±s.d.) calculated over the six runs. Ne denotes the effective size of a population and ‘Eastern’ indicates the eastern lowland gorilla population.

pairwise analysis divergence time (t0) in years current Ne, pop1 current Ne, pop2 ancestral Ne
Virunga (pop1)–Bwindi (pop2) 4740 [1260–13 980] 369 [131–681] 456 [169–831] 4419 [2169–8544]
5580 [1860–13 980] 369 [156–669] 481 [206–831] 4319 [2156–8506]
4980 [1500–13 980] 344 [131–656] 406 [181–831] 4169 [2144–8356]
5220 [1740–13 860] 344 [156–681] 456 [194–819] 4094 [2094–8331]
6060 [1860–13 980] 356 [156–669] 431 [194–844] 4206 [2119–8594]
4980 [ 1740–14 580] 331 [144–681] 469 [194–844] 4256 [2131–8356]
5260 (±484) 352 (±15) 450 (±27) 4244 (±115)
Virunga (pop1)–Eastern (pop2) 9420 [2460–89 580] 499 [219–919] 1496 [761–2861] 3386 [884–7481]
11 220 [3300–96 540] 551 [254–954] 1601 [814–2861] 3351 [761–7866]
10 980 [2820–119 820] 551 [236–954] 1584 [761–2984] 3351 [359–7149]
10 980 [2580–118 260] 534 [236–919] 1496 [726–2844] 3404 [971–7481]
11 460 [2700–112 020] 516 [236–936] 1496 [726–2826] 3386 [779–7919]
11 340 [2940–119 940] 551 [236–936] 1444 [779–2861] 3456 [604–7481]
10 900 (±750) 534 (±22) 1520 (±60) 3389 (±39)
Bwindi (pop1)–Eastern (pop2) 9540 [1980–25 860] 551 [254–1041] 1461 [621–2669] 4244 [2091–8479]
8580 [2580–23 820] 569 [271–1024] 1444 [516–2599] 4279 [2021–8339]
8700 [2340–24 540] 604 [236–1024] 1286 [586–2581] 4349 [2074–8689]
8100 [2220–28 020] 604 [254–1059] 1339 [621–2739] 4261 [1969–8636]
9420 [3300–27 300] 551 [289–1059] 1461 [709–2651] 4209 [2021–8111]
9300 [2340–25 020] 604 [254–1041] 1321 [551–2651] 4366 [2021–8321]
8940 (±568) 580 (±26) 1385 (±79) 4285 (±61)