Figure 2. LQTS CaM mutants diminish CDI in HEK293 cells.
A, Exemplar currents evoked by 30-mV voltage step (top) in cells co-transfected with CaV1.2 and CaMWT. CDI manifests as the stronger decay in Ca2+ (red) current as compared to Ba2+ (black). Ba2+ trace is scaled downward to match the peak of the Ca2+ trace, thus facilitating comparison of decay kinetics, and the scale bar for current references the Ca2+ trace, here and throughout.
B, Average normalized peak current versus voltage relation obtained with Ba2+ for the same cells as in A. Data are plotted as mean ± SEM here and throughout.
C, Population data for CDI across voltages. r300 measures the current remaining after 300 ms, after normalization to peak current. f300 is the difference between Ca2+ and Ba2+ at 30 mV, after normalization by the Ba2+ r300 value.
D, Expression of CaMD96V severely blunts CDI of CaV1.2.
E, The current-voltage relation for the CaMD96V scenario remains unaltered.
F, Population data bears out the CaMD96V reduction of CDI across voltages. For reference, the Ca2+ r300 curve for CaMWT is reproduced in gray.
G–L, CaMD130G and CaMF142L also induce dramatic CDI deficits. Format as in D–F.