Figure 10.
Comparison of a series of clinical isolates. (A) Genome maps for the FH series of clinical isolates from an individual patient all compared with the initial isolate (FH1) as in Figure 5C. White, regions homozygous in all isolates; red, regions with recently acquired LOH; green, regions with unusual (neither 1:1 or 1:0) allelic ratios. (B) Dendrogram illustrating relationships in FH-series lineage. Yellow star indicates an early TAC1 LOH event. Red stars indicate independent i(5L) formation events. (C) Close-up of Chr5L showing region that underwent LOH event in isolates FH3/4/5/7/8, but not in isolate FH6, using the same color scheme as in (A). (D) Allelic ratios surrounding region of Chr5L with LOH (0 = homozygous; 1/2 = heterozygous). Red highlights region of LOH in FH3/4/7/5/8. Horizontal light blue lines indicate expected allelic ratios (top to bottom: 1/2, 1/2, 1/4, and 1/7). Dark blue boxes enclose regions with LOH in FH3/4/5/7/8. Allelic ratio data in the boxes is colored consistent with other subfigures. Mating type locus (MTL) is only found in one copy in assembly 21 of the reference genome. The missing data in the MTL region of FH3/4/5/7/8 indicates these strains are homozygous for the MTL-alpha homolog (not present in the reference genome), while FH1/2/6/9 contain both homologs.